When it’s out of your control, let it go! One of the most profound things I have ever heard, why… because it brings inner peace, and instant focus on the things you can control. You can control your behaviour, your next step, your attitude, your reaction. It makes sense when you read it doesn’t it, just try applying it to real life, you’ll see how simple yet totally effective it is. Not that it is always easy, you need to take control over your emotions, your primal reactions, and think for a second before you let go and proceed. Now let me tell you how I practiced what I preach just a few days ago, and how it really does work. Just 10 days ago I lost my job, the board of directors on the other side of the globe decided no contact renewals, and that was it for me.
When I heard the new I decided in a split second that it was out of my control, that I had to be practical, and that I needed to take action. So I asked per what date my contract would end, what was expected of me concerning reassigning my work, and we discussed how to inform my wonderful colleagues. And that was that, the hardest thing was to tell my team, the guys were not expecting anything like this, I think looking at them they hoped I would tell them I was sick or something. When that was done I went home, had a cup of coffee and started working on my resume, and make a plan to get a new job as soon as possible. It’s not that this is the way I wanted to start 2019, it certainly isn’t in any way in the lines of what I was planning to do in 2019, but when life gives you lemons, you squeeze the sizzle out of them and make gorgeous refreshing lemonade.
I have taken action and I am on the right track finding my next adventure, I have also taken it upon myself to start my own adventure. So there is a lot to do, and I am going to do it the best way I can, with as little of complaining as possible. Forward as she blows, focussed and determined, and totally letting go of things that ar out of my control. It does take a little bit of practice, the letting go, but if you own it and hold yourself accountable for the proces, it will become second nature. If you want you can share your experience in the comments, I love reading your experiences and stories of letting go, or trying and not succeeding at the first go. If you have tips, tricks, or just sweet words, drop ‘m in the comments.
My mother taught me to pick my battles. I think that is probably the most valuable advice I was ever given. Don’t waste your energy on fights you can’t win/ things you can’t change!
That is a good lesson to learn, one of the best. Focus on what you can change, fight for what is important. Thanks for the reminder Eva ?
Like the way you think and even more the way that you take control. You take life as it comes, good or bad, and find your way in it. The most powerful thing about you, is that you are always yourself and you speak your mind. Keep up the spirit and the sizzle with the limes and lemonade I will keep in mind ❤️
ThnXo sweetheart, well mix lemonade with gin and have a party ♥️
Stom van je baan! Maar wel goed dat je het los kunt laten. Mijn ervaring is dat er juist dan ineens nieuwe deuren open gaan. Dus komt goed! Wederom fingers crossed?
Thanks lady Xo.