The SPF subject is one I am passionate about, and have taken it upon myself to be a advocate for sun protection. I think this is one of the most discussed topics on my blog, and it comes up regularly on my social media, as I think this is still something that needs a lot of attention. Why I am bringing this up again, is that I had a conversation with somebody recently, she said: “I know I should, and that it’s the best thing for my kids, but I am still in doubt… I am still convinced that SPF is bad for you, and I am not sure if I should use it.” We spoke about it, there were more people there, we talked about our different ideas and approaches. We all came to an agreement, SPF is always better than no SPF. I spoke about other options like keeping out of the sun, wearing clothes to protect the skin, wear hats and sunglasses, but in the end you need to protect skin when exposed to the sun.
I know I sound like a broken record, but I’m going to repeat it anyway. There are two types of UV light that can harm skin, UVA and UVB, we all know that. So to be safe you need to use a broad spectrum, or full spectrum sunscreen. These types of products protect you from both UV types. We all know what the sun can do with skin when overexposed, but ligt exposure can also permanently damage cells. UVA rays can prematurely age your skin, causing wrinkling and age spots. UVB rays can burn your skin, it’s that simple. And there is one even more dangerous issue, too much exposure to UVA or UVB rays can cause skin cancer.
There is a mega range of products you can chose from like lotions, gels, creme’s, in pump in spray or in tube flacons. Just make sure you have UVA & UVB protection, and makes sure you like the smell and texture. If you don’t like te product, you won’t use it. I love spray bottles, just because it applies quick and easy, usually the products is a bit more fluid, so it decided smoothly. For my handbag I like small packages, tubes or bottles for convenience. I also have SPF in stick form, that’s also easy to carry and most products allow use for rond the eyes and face. Make it quick, make it easy and stay safe.
Personally I love the products Lovea makes, good products and easy to apply [very good features for kids and when on holiday]. For years I’ve been using the La Roche Posay Anthelios line, I enjoy using these products and the feel great on the skin. Another of my favourite brands, not just for the sun protection, but for all there SPF products is Paula’s Choice, they make a great range of products with SPF, you can’t go wrong there, also if you have very oily skin.
You need to protect yourself, even when you are wearing makeup. I like makeup with SPF in, so primers, foundation, you name it, I layer it. When you have very oily skin this might be a little bit of a challenge, try and skip your daydream, and just use a SPF containing product. When wearing makeup, even if it contains SPF, you need to reapply. There are products out there you can spray over your makeup, get one to those and keep it in you bag, in case you need it during the day. There are also creams you can apply over your makeup, and if push comes to shove, just go with the SPF.
As always, keep safe! I’ll keep you posted on my SPF usage, and please don’t forget to protect all exposed skin.