You should not expect people to do for you, you should do for you! Expecting other people to do for you will only set you up for disappointment, and nothing else. Nobody owes you anything, and if you think they do, you should talk to them about it to make sure you are on the […]
Month: March 2019
Safe in the Sun – SPF is the way to go
The SPF subject is one I am passionate about, and have taken it upon myself to be a advocate for sun protection. I think this is one of the most discussed topics on my blog, and it comes up regularly on my social media, as I think this is still something that needs a lot […]
Live, Love & Learn – When it’s out of your control, let it go!
When it’s out of your control, let it go! One of the most profound things I have ever heard, why… because it brings inner peace, and instant focus on the things you can control. You can control your behaviour, your next step, your attitude, your reaction. It makes sense when you read it doesn’t it, […]
WojisOnBeauty Migrating | We expect minimal to no downtime
WojisOnBeauty is migrating, we expect minimal to no downtime. We have chosen to migrate due to several critical issues we encountered over the last few months. Not just with the website, but also with email, and other services provided. With this migration we will be up more, down less, thus more time to create more […]
BECCA Cosmetics Bronzing Skin Perfector | Primer & Bronzer
BECCA Cosmetics Bronzing Skin Perfector | Primer & Bronzer. Waarom deze beauty, ten eerste ben ik ben dol op producten die meerdere dingen tegelijk goed doen, daarnaast is dit een heel mooi product voor mijn huid en geeft het een geweldig mooie tijdelijke zomerse teint. Ik ben nog niet zover dat ik een zelfbruinen wil […]
Jurkjes & Rokjes Maart | 2019 Edition #jurkjesmaand
Hij is er weer, de jurkjes & rokjes maand, zoals ieder jaar in de maand maart, in ieder geval bij Wojis On Beauty. Dit jaar iets anders dan de jaren hiervoor, ik heb op Facebook een groep aangemaakt, zo is het volgen en posten van foto’s gemakkelijker, sneller en loopt het event een hele maand […]
Live, Love & Learn – Food Prep[aration]
Today I want tot talk about food, mostly about being prepared for any [eating]situation, and how I tacle food preparation. Remember my easy philosophy for food the Crossfit way; eat meat and vegetables, nuts and seeds, some fruit, little starch and no sugar. This is the base, the fundament for my nutrition if you will. […]